
Admission process

Aimed at students duly enrolled in the 5th year of Elementary School, the admission process aims to find young people who, in addition to being endowed with a lot of will, with both cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence and who share our values, also stand out for their ability to leadership and business acumen, to finally form the new group of students in the 6th year of Escola Germinare, our future Business Players.

Below, the steps of our admission process are described.

Registration: from April 24th;


Profile search: this stage consists of a profile search to obtain new information about the candidate. The test is a behavioral profile analysis that aims to identify the candidate’s behavioral trends;


Cognitive assessment: this is a cognitive assessment that addresses reading, writing and logical reasoning;


Experience: to complement the experiences of the candidate, in the third stage, he/she participates in two days of classes at the school, to follow the dynamics of activities;


Interviews: in this stage, those summoned and their guardians participate in an interview, which takes place at the Germinare School.

Letícia Macedo 

Histórias de sucesso

Letícia Macedo,
Formed in 2016

She works as Sales Manager at Friboi (Retail), leading a team of 3 coordinators with and 23 external salespeople in São Paulo.

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História de sucesso -
Gabriela Fernandes

Histórias de sucesso

Gabriela Fernandes,
Formed in 2018

She acts as District Manager of 6 Swift stores, 4 physical and 2 retail stores, leading a team of 30 employees.

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História de sucesso -
Luiz Burian

Histórias de sucesso

Luiz Felipe Burian,
formed in 2015

He acts as Friboi’s Production Coordinator at the Goiânia factory unit, leading a team of 5 supervisors and 340 employees.

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História de sucesso -
Gabriel Herold

Histórias de sucesso

Gabriel Herold,
graduated in 2021

Serves as District Sales Manager. Currently, he leads 5 Swift stores, five physical and one retail.

Watch the video
História de sucesso -