
Transparency, impact and investment

J&F Institute Indicators:

The J&F Institute has produced impressive results throughout its years of history, during which, day by day, it has worked to reinforce its commitment to preparing people through knowledge associated between theory and practice, maximizing their job opportunities and generating prosperity.

Next to it are our performance indicators.

R$ 250 million

in investments since 2010

More than 89.000

young people impacted in their training.


schools in the region with support and training

More than 400

graduated students and 98% of 2022 graduates are in the job market

More than 900

active students


of growth in the per capita family income of graduated students (2015 - 2021)

More than 89.000

young people impacted in their training.


public schools in the region with support and training

3.505 teachers

providing ongoing education

699 managers

providing ongoing education

More than 11 million

in financial support for partner public schools

The young graduates demonstrate that they are satisfied with their achievements and with the development provided to them. As well as their families, who were encouraged and supported by the Institute to be part of this journey. After all, supported young people thrive and make their family and community prosper together. And those who prosper and feel fully accomplished, live well. We see this in practice in all J&F companies and we want to see it in practice in each of the people who pass through the J&F Institute.

Transparency, impact and investment
Transparency, impact and investment
Annual Activity Report

We present our proposal and way of acting, as well as the work fronts through which both are materialized to make possible the various achievements we have reached. The 2022 Annual Report of the J&F Institute is a document whose main goal is to give visibility to its stakeholders and society regarding the main initiatives carried out throughout the year 2022.

Annual Activity Report


The Corporate Governance model of the J&F Institute, a non-profit institution, aims to meet the highest standards of public or private organizations as a way of guiding our actions based on good practices in the educational sector. Our actions are guided by our mission, belief and values, seeking to contribute to society.
As a way of keeping transparency with society and supporters, we publish below the financial statements of the J&F Institute and our annual activity reports:


UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

In its first year of operation, Germinare received a great sign of recognition for its educational project, as it became part of the Program of Associated Schools of UNESCO in Brazil (PEA- Unesco).

The certificate, issued by the program management in Paris, was delivered to the Germinare School on October 21, 2010, during the 16th National Meeting of the PEA, held in Manaus.

The program is one of UNESCO’s main initiatives in the field of Education. The PEA brings together schools that prioritize in their pedagogical project themes related to sustainability, the culture of peace, ethics, respect for diversity, multiculturalism, among others.

CMDCA Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents

On 9/14/2015, the Ministry of Justice published in the Diário Oficial the Germinare School certification as a Federal Public Utility Agency – UPF. According to this certification, Public Utility entities can offer donors – legal entities taxed based on REAL PROFIT (excluding, therefore, those taxed based on presumed profit, arbitrated profit and SIMPLES) – the benefit of reducing the Income Tax and Social Contribution on Net Income – CSLL.

This means that donations made in favor of the Germinare School may be considered by the supporting companies as an operating expense and consequent reduction in the income tax and CSLL calculation basis and, finally, a reduction in the IRPJ itself and the social contribution in question in up to 2% (two percent) of the operating profit of the legal entity, before its deduction is computed, and must be made by crediting a bank account, directly in the name of the beneficiary entity.

CEBAS Certificate of Charitable Social Assistance Entities

In 2018, Germinare acquired the Certification of Charitable Social Assistance Entities, CEBAS. This certificate means that the school effectively contributes to the process of social inclusion in the country through offers of full or partial scholarships, constituting a public policy for access to Basic and Higher Education.